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瑜伽按摩之戀|故事 (一) Love story with Asian style bodywork1

Since my early twenties I was deeply interested in natural healing and personal transformation, more about my personal transformation story, why was I so interested in healing and about the different adventures and paths I took I’ll write in a different entry. It’s a great story!

回溯到我還是個二十出頭的年輕小夥子,當時的我,已經開始慢慢接觸所謂的 “自然療法 “以及 “個人重建 “的領域。然而這一路,從迷戀,執著,到深研不同層面的探索,那一些曾經發生在我身上的所有一切,都是一則又一則美麗的小故事,請大家跟著我….細細品味。

But to sum things up I tried many different things. All of these techniques had some influence on me and touched me in different ways. The included Body, Emotional and Energetic healing. But I was looking for something that I could practice and will really connect me to my body help me to heal from the different things I suffered from.

透過這樣的一個療法,我設法運用不同的技巧來幫助自己身體上所承受的痛苦與不便利,例如,從: 身體的架構本身,自我情緒,還有能量的建立。不同的方式,讓我產生不一樣的感受。

In the late 90’s I lived in Pune India at the Osho resort. At the time it was literally the world capital of alternative medicine and non-traditional meditation. The place was alive with thousands of visitors and offered many different courses, emotional healing, bodywork, martial arts, a mystery school and much more. As mentioned before I have participated in many of the different programs.

大約是十多年前吧,當時我住在 "普那",那是印度馬哈拉施特拉邦的一座重要城市,也是許多外地遊客喜歡造訪的國家。在當地,簡單來說,他們擁有多元的醫療,還有一種非傳統性的靜心冥想課程。除此之外,還更籮筐種種不同的療癒訓練,例如: 情緒管控療程,健身課,武術藝術..還有許多不同體驗又多元性的課程。這些資源,是我當時訓練自己,幫助自己的管道來源。也因此,練就了現在的我!

One day I needed a bodywork session. I had some troubles in my back that I wanted to find someone who can help me. A friend referred me to a guy that was actually just passing by and gave sessions in his simple room. The guy, like myself was an Israeli world traveler and said he practiced an art called Thai Massage. I had no clue what was he talking about but tried it anyway.

記得有一次,我正在接受一項體能訓練,因為背部出現一種無法言語的不舒適感,經過一位好友的轉介,我認識了一位師父。他,就像我一樣,是個以色列人,四海為家,到處旅行,當時,他就在自家授課。他在我身上運用了一套學術,叫做 : 泰式瑜伽按摩。我不懂這一套方式到底管不管用,也不明白他在說甚麼,反正很不舒服,也只好試試看。

That session blew me away! It was so good. A combination of thumb, elbow, knee and feet presses with different stretches. The whole treatment had a deep silent meditative feel. I went deeper and deeper into silence and my body energy stated to flow in an alive and wonderful way.

就在他幫我完成這一套療程之後,我只有一個感覺,就是 “好舒服”。這種感覺,就像一股暖流,慢慢的從指尖,從手臂,灌入身體,慢慢延伸到我的雙腳,最後,回流到我的腦子裡。強而有力的震入我的每一寸肌膚,而這樣暢通的感覺,很深很深的牽引著我的身體,還有我腦海裡所有無法安靜的思緒。

It not only solved my back problem but connected me deeply with my own body in a meditative and deeply spiritual way.


That guy said he studied with a master which I believe must have been Master Chayut from Chiangmai who died at the early 2000’s. He planted a seed in my heart and I knew that sooner or later I will go to Thailand and start learning the art myself.

這個師父跟我說,他的武學是源自於一位更高深的師父 Chayut。而這位高人,聽說來自於泰國清邁,但很可惜,聽說在多年前已經過世。就在跟這位師父拜別的同時,其實我的內心早已經被牢牢的刻下了一個願望。


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